Elixir of Love in the school of Ramanuja and Mawlana
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Published: 24 September 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
In the mystical worldview, the word “love” has a broad and multi-layered concept. Most of the mystics of different nations regard love as one of the basic principles and teachings in the world of mysticism. Many of them have pledged underlying conditions in the path of conduct and achievement to the position of knowledge and certainty of majesty of God to elixir of love. In the school of Mowlana, love has a high status, and human perfection is possible in recognizing the Imam or leader by the combination of love. On the other hand, most of the Indian schools were influenced by “Bhakti Marga” and it was more prominently displayed in the Ramanuja School, as it grew in the works of South India and Tamil, and in the “New Age” movement continued. Therefore, in this article, we are going to examine the comparative approach of this concept based on Rumi’s poems and the teachings of Ramanuja. In fact, our aim is to analyze the common and different views of both mystics on love and its nature.
Keywords: love, bhakti, Mawlana, Ramanuja , emergence, manifestation, reason.

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How to Cite
Ali Reza Khajegir, Mohammad Reza Afroogh. (2018-09-24). "Elixir of Love in the school of Ramanuja and Mawlana." *Volume 2*, 3, 28-33